Travis found me this morning and begged for my help. He told me about this big change on his blog and then started whining that he needed something HUGE for the big finale. So, here I am, phase three. The cherry on top of TRAVIS: A dog like no other!
My name is Maya (but I prefer May) and I already have two blogs and one other which I co-write with my sister.
To check them out visit the links below:
for the love of twilight
feel good funniez
I am a very normal teenage girl: I go to school, have a part time job, love animals, like spending time with my family and friends, love to write and read, I am obsessed with a fictional character, would rather spend the day eating chocolate than healthy vegies and stuff and I am also a big fan of The Simpsons and Twilight.
I have a brother and a sister, a dog who you already know a lot about, I have two pet rats, three fish, a good sense of humor and a tendency to say stupid things.
I like to laugh and smile and make someone giggle. I am a rubbish artist, hopeless jeweller and terrible cook but no-one can tell that I haven't had a go at things.
I am more of an indoor girl than a great outdoors adventurer. I love Travis and I am his feeder. Every day at five pm (sometimes before) he will run into my room, drag me away from the computer and wait for me to open the door for him. Then I give him his dinner and he will leave me alone for the rest of the night so I can write on my blogs and check my facebook, myspace and various other social sites.
I often PUSH doors that say PULL and end up making an idiot of myself in public but I can laugh and get over it.
I also tend to get lost in my own thoughts a lot and find myself running with vampires or chasing werewolves when I really should be concentrating on maths homework. That's another thing about me, I hate it when people say Math. I always like to put an S on the end because that's the way I am.
I am looking forward to co-writing this blog with Travis (whose views and opinions are written down by my brother because, obviously, Travis is very intelligent but just can't type!)
May xx
Watchin' & Workin' Wednesday
8 hours ago
Hi May
Lovely to meet you! Apart from having to continually check in on Travis's blog because of "who let the dogs out" - this is the 10th time this morning the little man has asked to see Travis!! - the little man is now looking for a rat after we visited your other blogs!!
Ever since Ratatouille he has wanted a Remy for himself!
lots of woofs
Clive and gang
Nice to meet woo!
hello to you too :)
Great to meet you, May!
Hi May! Our mom agrees with you on the chocolate instead of the veges!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hiya May! Sammie here. I gave Travis an award! Come to my blog to "pic" it up!
Hugs xo,
Hi May, nice to meet you!
Boooo Hoooooo We can't read your blog - the mom can barely see the text - her eyesight isn't very good... maybe making the text black would help
Hellroooo Maya. We have another friend named Maya but she is a foo foo Mexican little leg biter dog so that can't be you.
- The Bumpass Hounds
Hi glad to meet you. You sound very engegtic and happy and we wil love you!
Hi May, nice to meet you and nice to hear you are so good to Travis. We like him a lot too.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Travis is lucky to have a pretty young co-writer like you. We only have an old mommy and an old daddy.
Welcome! Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog & Hootie
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